
Sample 3

From Existence to Life Poem 66 Death cannot conquer me. After all, I have got a life, Which death hasn’t got. How will a dead Death fight my life? In fact, Even if Death succeeds in taking my life away, My death will still be fatal to Death. For I am determined, After I embrace …

Sample 2

From Existence to Life Poem 1 I was living in a quiet corner Of this noisy world In hibernation and In expectation Of unknown potentialities when, All of a sudden, A blast of worldly wind Blew me into my heart And I was Not merely disturbed But torn— Torn into a confusion Of self-realising potentialities. …

Sample 1

From Existence to Life Prologue When my eyes first opened to life, I wondered. When, out of innocent curiosity, I merely attempted to live, I was dumbfounded. I tremble at the thought: How shall I really live? I don’t know. Let me begin.